Vogel & Noot 11 VK 500mm radiator, bottom connection, white

Connections. 4 x G 1/2'' internal threads and 2 x G 3/4'' external threads, lower right side. Maximal positive operating pressure Maximum working pressure — 10 bars.
Test positive pressure Test pressure - 13 bars. Maximal operating temperature - 110°C.
The radiator with its built-in valve device is suitable for two-pipe as well as single-pipe systems using a single-pipe manifold. In addition, the connection is also possible from the bottom, and the sophisticated design provides connection options familiar from compact radiators, such as one-sided or two-sided connections.
The radiator is supplied ready-made as a two-pipe system and with factory-made kv settings, according to the capacity of the radiator.
For communal heating systems with a large difference between the water supply and return temperatures, a valve element is available on request, which allows precise and stepless regulation.
Compatibility Compatible with all power sources:
• The supply temperature is in the range between 90° and less than 40°C
• Ideal in combination with low temperature heat sources (heat pump, solar energy...)
Savings Great cost reduction potential in new and renovated buildings:
• About 15% lower costs when using modernization radiators (compared to radiators of the old element).
• Due to the high performance of the system, a low system temperature is required.
Fast control Extremely fast control of heating and cooling time:
• Short reaction time after sudden temperature changes (less energy consumption).
• High efficiency due to short cooling time and heating time. • Control systems are of very high quality.